About MyVinez

The Center of Your Being

by Lao Zi (Tzu) ⽼⼦
Always we hope that someone else has the answer,
some other place will be better,
some other time it will all turn out.
This is it.
No one else has the answer.
No other place will be better.
And it has already turned out.

At the center of your being you have the answers.
And you know what you want.


There is no need to run outside for better seeing,
nor to peer from the window.
Rather abide at the center of your being.
For the more you leave it,
the less you know.
Search your heart and see that
the way to do is to be.

When was the last time you let your parents tell you what you should like? When will you trust your own heart and intuition to find the joy you deserve? We hope you like this poem by Laozi (Lao Tzu, ⽼⼦), ancient Chinese philosopher and start exploring what you really like instead of what people make you think that you should like. Explore the world, find your balance , and join us on a joyful journey to understand ourselves and see how it impacts our daily life.